"Take Me Off the Streets" was created by Loretta Broadnax. Ms. Broadnax's inspiration for "Take Me Off the Streets" was based upon the deaths of her late father, Joe Medwick Veasey and late nephew, Deylan Braxton. Joe Medwick was a prolific singer/songwriter for the legendary blues record label, Duke/Peacock. He wrote several major hits for the late great legendary Bobby "Blue" Bland. "Farther On up the Road" was Joe Medwick and Bland's first number one hit on R&B chart. It was later recorded by another icon, Eric Clapton.
Loretta and the team of "Take Me Off the Streets" were greatly influenced by the powerful messages in Joe and Deylan's music. Therefore, the realization is we are losing our teens, young adults and loved ones to unfortunate tragedies that could very well be avoided with the help of the community. "Take Me Off the Streets" is only one measure to assist with helping our young adults address problematic areas in their lives. Please, let's join hands as a society and improve areas in which we know we can make a difference. Let's help our young adults "maximize potential."
"Take Me Off the Streets" is ready!
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